Friday, February 28, 2020

Lillee Jean Drama

Hello everyone!

By this point it has been over 11 months since the cyberbullying began for Lillee Jean on July 4th, 2019. Due to the fact there is a ton of misinformation, and a ton of people who simply want to bend the truth, we decided as a team to put together our own article, to support our point. Our point is not to hurt someone, but to put into perspective, you can't go around spreading lies, and you can't go around trying to harm an 18 year olds (now 19) career as a hobby. Cyberbullying is not OKAY. Let's begin. In 2016/17, a forum started on Lillee Jean, via Reddit. Lillee had no idea this was going on, until a fan sent her a DM alerting her that people were talking harshly against her. From making fun of her eyes, to literally editing photos of her eyes gouged out with fake blood, 2016/17 was our first foray into "fame". The thing is, Lillee Jean was a minor, sitting at 16, and the Reddit group was all men, who were talking harshly then fantasizing about Lillee in graphic ways. Reddit refused to remove the graphic photos these older men edited, in fact it took us contacting IMGUR the image hosting to actually get them removed. They were the first images when you searched Lillee's name, and were extremely threatening to her. These men in retaliation started to comment all over Lillee's Instagram picking on her following, her looks, just about everything. That's called CYBERBULLYING. Following from platform to platform. We responded by blocking and reporting. The hurrah of their hate died out, within 2 weeks. It was silent, and Lillee went back to her blogging, and beauty content. Flash forward to the Summer of 2019, Lillee was now 18. Doing her content, getting ready for the Fourth of July, and it began again. She got a DM from a fan alerting her that a Reddit forum talking harshly against her started up. Confused, Lillee alerted us, her team, and of course we checked it out. You can see some of the Reddit posts that the MODS took down here ( ). However, those same MODS also told the team to "fuck off" when I asked them nicely to take the forum down since the messages were so horrible that off-sprung from their BGC Chatter. 

 The main focus these people had was Lillee Jean getting PR.
"How could she deserve PR? I deserve it more I have more engagement. All her followers are fake I did an audit".

Join us on Thursday for a podcast on this:
  1. The other young lady mentioned QOB we have worked everything out with and will not include in this blogpost.
2. The definition of cyberbullying is "the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature." UPDATES |

  AS OF January 20th, Laur tried to talk to BFFDDES. On DM, Laura explained to @BFFDEES situation by situation, how facts were wrong, or not being put out correctly. @BFFDEES agreed on several points. Including why Laur called an employer (ONE EMPLOYER, since the woman was non-stop harassing Lillee), and how nobody got someone suspended. Then, @BFFDEES, created chaos on

  January 23 with CreepShow Art, Shannon.  Creepshow, created a defaming video on Lillee Jean, stating "Lillee got my Twitter suspended and is calling the cyber police". Lillee Jean responded: Lillee Jean and her mother DID NOT make this statement. Lillee has had NO CONTACT with Shannon, expect once, a week ago to talk and work things out. Shannon ignored Lillee's DM's, and went on a 10 tweet tirade. Linked below. The statement was we have the cyber unit involved with a different case, on someone stating they want to harm Lillee.  Lillee Jean did NOT get Creepshow art *TEMP RESTRICTED*, instead this man did, who proudly told everyone. Lillee Jean was hit with a ton of people accusing her of this, yet the proof was there. Nobody should wield that much POWER, and abuse it by having their fans jump the gun with falsehoods. 

January 29 -- Everything DEBUNKED: | We find out this started in February 2019, by a Redditor with an empty account, one post, only on Lillee. 
Shannon, has been telling people he DOXXED her, in order to form a new narrative. 

  Feb - After Defango debunked who is behind the anon account stalking Lillee Jean, we find out the woman @DIANEAWESOMELASER on Instagram dm'ing fans for interviews, and talking to Lillee and Laura for 2 months on the situation, acting sympathetic, is actually, Bffdees. She owns @ronniesawyer_, @j9jenny, @just_jody_lynn, who all have Twitters she created too, including @nonotthecheese @just_jody_lynn, @justjodylynn. On the day Lillee lost her great aunt, Bffdees, a stalker, tricked Laura into going on Skype to only yell at her calling her a "fucking idiot". This was supposed to be a humble interview. You can see the yelling, because on the stalker's YouTube they put out content in the same temper, and place mocking Laura.  We would like to mention, this has reached cyberstalking status according to NY law, and she told Lillee and Laura she is a New York person. Outlined above in the article it states: "
  • Posting rumors and gossip on web pages, in discussion groups, over Instant Messenger, in online gaming, and via text message.
  • Making repeated contact with someone using social media or other online methods of communication to name call or post offensive comments.
  • Intentionally and cruelly excluding people from an online group.
  • Ganging up on victims online and making them the subject of ridicule in forums or on social media.
  • Hacking into and vandalizing websites with misleading or defamatory information about a person
  • Publishing someone’s identity and personal information online, including disclosing someone’s address or workplace.
  • Posing as someone else online, including creating fake accounts and/or posting while impersonating the victim
  • Posting offensive and/or demeaning pictures on social media
  • Making online death threats
  • Using Google bombs to manipulate search engines to return particular information when an individual is searched"
This Stalker  has a) Posted rumors and possibly the Reddit thread on Lillee Jean that began this mess. b) repeated contact with Lillee Jean through many twitter accounts, when Lillee Jean and Laura asked her to stop. c) isolated Lillee Jean and Laura by contacting fans who did unfollow her. d) ganged up on Lillee Jean and Laura with 100+ Twitter accounts, daily documenting their every move. e) hacked into Lillee Jean and Laura's Ebay account by putting up purchase history on @jamesdee5311. She also hacked into Amazon seller accounts, posted online petitions to deplatform LJ, and  to belittle and bully Lillee Jean.  f) posted as Lillee multiple times with accounts such as @liljeanbigworld @lilleeJean__. g) posted bloody pictures of Lillee Jean and Laura with an account named @OOMANCER @2FAST2OOMANCER, these images are findable because @BFFDEES retweeted them. OOMANCER, also tried to sell the images on Society6. OOMANCER is not the stalker, but a guy who shared at one point the account with a pregnant woman. This woman also called Lauras phone, and sent several spam messages. We know it is her because she online told people she is from Texas, and the phone came from Texas, the emails from Texas.  h) posted death threats to Lillee with sock accounts harassing her on DM. I) used Reddit, the hashtag #LILLEEJEAN #JEANIEZMGNT to manipulate search.

  FEB ON - We now have someone named PRIMINK who did a video in defense of Creepshow Art. PrimInk did not interview Lillee Jean, and used all of her content. 

3:29 bite invite

Accounts on Twitter that link to @Bffdees who now goes by "@d_awesomelaser" within the last month of May. Be careful if you get a DM or tweet. All targeting Lillee, all alt accounts, all saying the same thing.  We know this is her, because it's a rerun of BFFDEES early tweets. She has a vendetta to have Lillee "de-platformed". Check any, all just repeat one another.


Lillee Jean Fake Fanpages/Accounts NOT TRUE | STALKER CREATED RUMOR

5. Fake Fan Pages: This is plain, this is simple. Lillee does not own any racist, stereotypical fan pages. There is no way to prove that.  H...